Automotive and Aerospace Adhesives

Automotive and aerospace adhesives standards address the recommended practices, material specifications, application, test methods, and use of adhesive materials. SAE International (SAE) and ASTM International (ASTM) have developed a variety of automotive and aerospace adhesives standards that are used to provide the proper guidance that is needed to increase the strength, quality, and safety of automotive and aerospace components. Adhesives standards are useful for a multitude of applications, including the sealing of integral fuel tanks, crew compartments and passenger areas, access doors, and more.

SAE Adhesive Standards

Adhesives standards from SAE International (SAE) are primarily concerned with the sealing and joining of automotive and aerospace materials. These standards also address the specifications and recommended practices for sealing and adhesive processes. One example of this is the sealing of a windshield on a car or plane.

ASTM Adhesive Standards

Adhesive standards from ASTM International (ASTM) define the necessary practices, test methods, guides, specifications, and terminology for adhesive and sealant materials. These standards are useful for automotive and aerospace applications. Adhesive standards also help identify adhesive bond or joint mechanical properties which include strength, creep, fracture, and fatigue.